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Trunk or Treat: A Night of Costumes, Candy, and Giving Back

Trunk or Treat united the community in Halloween fun and generosity, turning Chautauqua Park into a celebration of joy, giving, and shared spirit.

Valley City Parks and Recreation hosted its 5th annual Trunk or Treat event at Chautauqua Park on Friday, October 25th. With approximately 600 goodie bags handed out to participants, the event featured a drive-thru trick-or-treat experience with 17 local business and organization booths set up along the park route, each decorated in spooky, festive, and fun themes from Jurassic Park, Sharks, Inside Out, Minions, and more. Families collected candy, treats, and seasonal trinkets as they drove through, enjoying both the Halloween spirit and the beautiful October evening.

The event’s success was amplified through a partnership with the Valley City Kiwanis Club, which co-hosted the "Cans for Candy" food drive. Community members were encouraged to “trade” cans or other nonperishable items for a VCPR pumpkin goodie bag, helping to support neighbors in need. Together, the community donated an impressive number of food items, far exceeding expectations, and reinforcing Valley City's strong spirit of giving back to support local food banks and families.

90 items went to the HiLiner Pantry at VCHS

120 items went to Buffalo Bridges Human Service Zone

300+/- went to the Barnes County Food Pantry

$41 dollars was donated and this was used to purchase items for the Bison Bunker at BCN school.

“This is our second year hosting Trunk or Treat in Chautauqua Park, and we’re so excited to have had such a beautiful night!” October events committee member, Matt Brandvold, stated. “We want to thank all the businesses and organizations for helping make this event a success. And we can’t forget to thank the community for coming to the park to celebrate with us!”

Drug Plastics won “Best Booth Theme” for their theme Minions and their energy they brought with them for the event!

This event happens the Friday before Halloween each year.

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